Back in the day one of my buddy's girlfriend had a 72 Skylark with a 2bbl 350. Already the compression was down from 70 and it was only 2bbl. That car only had about 70,000 miles and ran great. It would fry the one rear tire at will and felt torquier than most other A bodies. The low miles probably had something to do with that also. I had a 70 GS455, when I bought it there was an aftermarket cam installed. While the lope sounded good, it was soft down low. Un Buick like. But from a roll, there was plenty of torque, enough to break a converter on the turbo 400 on a 1-2 shift. The only achilles on a Buick V8 IMO is the external oil pump. Steel gears with a cast aluminium timing cover coupled with poor maintenance leads to disaster.