The gm black g-bodies had, which dated back to the really early years was a hint brown. An aftermarket black will be the blackest. Deepest blacks often have a hint of blue.
Lacquer is still available for furniture from manufacturers such as lemar, now owned by Benjamin Moore. I redid an old family herloom part for one of my bosses last year by adding black stain to pre-cat lacquer & shading a brown part near black.
Duplicolor is marketed to diy use & still sells lacquer base auto paint through places like Advance Auto. It's less hazzardous to spray & in a certain sense easier to use than modern paint, though it requires more coats & definitely less durable. Also I don't see any retarder in stock with their supplies. Kinda handicaps you from being fully professional with it.
Lacquer is still available for furniture from manufacturers such as lemar, now owned by Benjamin Moore. I redid an old family herloom part for one of my bosses last year by adding black stain to pre-cat lacquer & shading a brown part near black.
Duplicolor is marketed to diy use & still sells lacquer base auto paint through places like Advance Auto. It's less hazzardous to spray & in a certain sense easier to use than modern paint, though it requires more coats & definitely less durable. Also I don't see any retarder in stock with their supplies. Kinda handicaps you from being fully professional with it.