Thank's Steve and Doug. Well, it's not as nice as you think it is, it really needs paint. But the 93 year old guy I bought it from bought it new and took great care of it. My mailman pall remembers when he bought it and said it was garaged for most of it's life. I pestered him for 5 years to sell it to me. He had it repainted at some point but it still is weathered and that paint job is crappy looking now. In reality, I had plenty of rot spots to repair under the rear wheelwells, and the passenger side floor was shot. I used this project as an excuse to by a Lincoln MIG welder and I got a LOT of practice on this car. The interior was clean and only needed a headliner and converting to a manual trans was a no-brainer. I still need a decent paint job, but life is kicking me in the nuts lately what with Kids and hurricanes but I will get around to it eventually. The best thing I did was POR-15 and undercoat the whole bottom, and the inside floors, and the gas tank. Even the rear axle got that treatment. So far, no more rust, thankfully, as I fully intended to use this car year round. As Steve said, posi and snow tires is all I need to get around.