BTW, I checked with a local Chevrolet dealer (used to have Olds also), to see if they could run the VIN with their GM VIS system. Was hoping to get information on any warranty work that had been done. They told me that the database only went back 10 years. They did tell me that if the short block was replaced under warranty, it would have to be replaced with one for the correct year and VIN. They were not allowed to use something from another year, it had to match the car. If that's correct, then the block they replaced it with should be for an 87 VIN 9 engine. Guess I'll know more when I can pull the engine out and check the cam number (probably not until it warms up outside).
Has anyone had experience using this database? I thought I've seen some posts in different forums where people pulled up VIN information older than 10 years, but I might be mistaken.