Long before you complicate your issue with say a T-brake,you need to isolate why this is happening.
Buy a All-Pro and video every pass.
Get weather station and start a detailed log.
The first one is for the driver and some of the mechanics.
The second one is for the mechanics only.
You must know the car is hooking the same every time.If you running some sort of street bias tire and heating that up in burn-out,there is no way that will work the same run to run.
The most common thread in issues in r/t's, driver aside,is the t/c varying abunch and the t/c not matched to the combo.What would be easier to track down the problem would be if the car suddenly started doing this.
You have to keep a open mind and look at this as a third party.If you figure out it is the driver,then accept it and work on that.