There are members from all over the country on this and just about every other car board. A network of KNOWLEDGEABLE car entheusiasts would be a very good resource for long distance transactions. I know if somebody asked me to check out a local-to-me-distant-to-them car, they'd get the unvarnished truth. It seems like people are not using the resources available to them to prevent this sort of thing from happening (not just you, this seems to be happening a lot). I think the growth of internet shopping, while opening up new opportunities to find that hard-to-get car or part has also opened up the realization of just how many people either don't know what the F they're talking about, or are just outright crooks.
Remember, ebay is just a glorified newspaper ad, would you hold the local paper liable if a seller misled you in an ad?
Not defending fact, I took issue with the MANY changes(for the worse) that they instituted in the past half-dozen years, and no longer sell there at all...seldom buy anything off there either these days.
Sucks, but these problems are only going to get worse as our cars age and escelate in price.