I dont know why my last comment came up three times, anyway latest update, looks like im going to have to take it up a notch which i didnt want to have to do. The weirdo still owes me 800 and to protect my own money i filed a fraud case with ebay, she was supposed to have the rest of the money to me today and when the mail came suprise suprise, no money. So i sent her a message nicely asking her if she had gotten a chance to send the money. She replied to me saying she wasnt going to send me any money since i filed a fraud report because she isnt a fraud. So she is getting herself into a big pile of crap with both ebay and the company that takes care of there fraud cases. I say if you misrepresent an item that bad and waste this much of someones time your a fraud but she says otherwise. The more i think about it the more mad i get, if you think about it she is going against herself saying she isnt a fraud because she is becoming more of one holding money thats not hers and breaking her writtin agreement with me