Ya I confused the 2 cars about the mirrors in my last post.I plan on doing that with my pro-street Fauxmad ‘83 wagon. I don’t think you could do the Monte SS front without using the fenders and hood at least. You could fab up pieces for the fenders, but the body lines that go from the hood and into the nose are located in a different spot than the Malibu. Then you would probably have to use the Monte doors as well, then the body line from door to quarter won’t match.
The mirrors on the silver one might be too far up and forward. The Monte style mirrors on the red one are too far back. I was going to use them on my El Camino and put them up in the corner where they belong, but I rescinded the passenger door and it didn’t have any holes for mirrors so that left the mirror off that side and shaved the hole for the drivers side mirror. I do have a set of street rod mirrors with set screws and some hard rubber so I can have outside mirrors if I’m hauling something that blocks my view out of the rear window.
Weren't the Monte noses soft flexible plastic? With a plastic welder the conversion "could " be done without changing anything else.