Covid 19 flare up then subsides.

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Daily numbers of new cases, WITHOUT corresponding number of tests administered is pointless.
They didn't break the numbers down like that anymore, but they did say they were getting 20% positivity rate based on the 505 confirmed positives reported across the state just for today. So it would roughly translate to about 2500 tests for today. And the positivity rate has dropped quite a bit from early summer. Death rates from confirmed cases are now just less than 2%, where it used to be over 4%. And, assuming there are people not tested who are asymptomatic, the actual death rate is probably closer to 1%. Not good for any deaths, but it's a good trend to have.

They probably have the data, they just stopped reporting it once the number of testing stations/kits were basically everywhere. Which again, is sorta stupid. Because the sample size varies and normally only people that exhibit some sort of suspicion they have Covid are getting tested. So that in and of itself can be skewed data. Getting a test now is not any issue at all. They have all sorts of ways you can get tested if you show up at various testing facilities. But the hospitalization rates are WAY down from where they were.

Bottom line is that anecdotal evidence is really the ONLY surefire way to know where the trend is heading. But one thing about dying is for sure. You could get hit by a truck while being shot in the head, and if they find any mucus inside your nostrils, you died of Covid.

Not going to say we are out of the woods, but the trend is certainly going in the right direction around here, at least for the moment.
Funny, turns out it’s basically like all other viruses in that it works it’s way through the population and slowly burns out. Follows the curve pattern as others before it. There is the idea that with only 15-20% of the population exposed it will start to run out, in a linear fashion, of people/hosts to find. It won’t go away completely for a long time and we aren’t out of the woods yet but it could be closer to the “end of season” than many think. And in the case of “team covid” people they might be disappointed to see it go away 😄🙄.
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Covid case numbers are mostly fraudulent. Numbers are being manipulated to make them seem there are more cases than there are and many of the deaths ruled as covid related are not covid related at all. Yes the virus is real but it's not the bubonic plague the media is making it out to be.
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Just went to my primary doc on Monday for something else but hes got two tents set up outside his building doing rapid tests. He told me hes averaging 200 tests a day with 25% testing positive. My personal thoughts ? Flu seasons right around the corner. Kids are going back to school, more people are going out, social distancing is getting less and less. There might be an uptake on Covid in the next two months. People that have it will first think they have the flu and go on with their daily routines. Spread it around and we might be in the same mess all over again. I truly hope not but it would suck.
Just to fan the flames a little. A friends parents went in to be tested during the height of the virus. They are late 70's and have health issues. This happened just after they started doing the drive thru testing sites here. They waited for a few hours, then someone came along and said that they had run out of tests that day, but if they gave their information, they would save tests, call them, and set an appointment so they wouldn't have to wait again. About a week later, they received a letter stating they tested positive for Covid..... they were never even tested!!!!! Can you say scam?!
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I agree, EXCEPT unless one of the people wins that nobody likes...
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