Covid 19 flare up then subsides.

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recently i had a physical and we talked about the flu shot.I've never gotten one but the doctor said i should consider getting it this year because with everything going on if i got covid and the flu @the same time it could be pretty for thought.
One of the good things is lack of young Children dying, which is nothing short of a miracle in my books. My Uncle almost died from Polio and Rheumatic fever, was tested and showed he had them in his life. Dad remembered him being deathly ill as a kid a couple of times. He lived till 86 and had Parkinson's a few years before passing. The little graves of children were common years ago, we have whole areas for the Spanish Flu in cemeteries. The last time the Grey Cup was canceled was 1918. What happened in 1918? Soldier's brought home the Spanish flu, killing their Wives and Children. Masks do help, do I want to wear a depressing diaper on my face? No, it is so depressing to me, I won't go out in public, and it is getting close to happening. I was close to dealing with it thanks to an outbreak in Manitoba, masks are now mandatory there. They are talking 2 more years of this.
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We're actually saving some money by not going out to eat as much. Of course, it's still not great. One of the drawbacks is that we've started to feel more like hermits only coming out of the shell to buy food. I filled up my truck with gas for the first time since I bought it at the end of May!!! So even though gas prices have been suppressed, there's really nowhere to go.

The mask thing I'm getting used to. It doesn't bother me too much because everyone else is wearing them too, pretty much. Except the idiots who seem to just want to defy the mandate. They may not work, but I also don't see how they would hurt. Not like you're wearing them all day unless you work there.

This too shall pass. And if they can get a vaccine, it can at least be manageable, perhaps. Hopefully.
the only thing I look forward to up here is the summer and that was trashed this year with the virus. The BS that the experts spew on us is ridiculous. In my area there isn't much except for the old age homes but they like to build it up to try to scare us into conforming with notices like this that came out 2 days ago...:wtf:

COVID-19 outbreak declared at summer camp in Waterloo Region

KITCHENER -- A COVID-19 outbreak has been declared at a Waterloo Region summer camp after a camper tested positive.

The region's online COVID-19 dashboard shows that there is one case at the camp.
Someone needs to explain how that has an international effect. (see post #8)

It will stop being important, Or politically effective. Something to that effect i think. There are some places in the world that the sky isn't falling. When the media finds their new problem it'll fade away. Just my prediction.
I wonder how many viral events like this there has been in human history and we just didn't know?

If we didn't have virus characterization and testing to the average person or not highly trained doctor there isn't a lot of difference to just getting flu sick or anything else.

It's not like chicken pox where you get a rash, it's not polio where is has specific impacts it's another relatively broad upper respiratory virus that makes you cough and if it's really bad you get pnumonia and die to elderly and at risk.

200 years ago if you got covid I doubt anyone would have known, you just got a bad sickness. And with lower population densities, less travel, and at risk people dying earlier in their life due to other issues medicine hadn't solved yet. Certainly a blip would be caused but it's not that discernable from anything else.

I still doubt anything will really change come November in the US for 2 reasons. 1. people in the us are basically #1 world wide for not listening to government and authority. If the fed govt tried putting any actual regulations in place, you are going to sit in legal challenge for years, long after it either burns out, a vaccine comes or whatever. 2. I don't see what reason Spain, or any nation, would lock down because of of a virus in the US. The US isn't that important. Even if you do subscribe to the "they don't like the orange man and are doing it to control him" camp, think about how much money all people, maybe not Amazon, but a lot of traditional investors, have lost from it. If orange man can hurt your oversees economy from decisions he has made, they are insignificant to economic lockdowns.
Having been in the military I have a different outlook on life. I want to live it. If I can't for one reason or another, then let me die. Sounds kind of grim, but it's the reality. We WILL all die at some point. Yes I want to live as long as I can, but I also want to enjoy it.
as far as listening to the gov regarding the covid-19 they said lock it down for a period of time to flatten the curve, then after that time expired the gov said lock it down for a time frame to flatten the curve and on and on....they have changed from not wearing masks to mandated wearing masks and they keep on changing ........we are 6 months into this and listening to gov has not worked so why keep listening to them
One of the good things is lack of young Children dying, which is nothing short of a miracle in my books. My Uncle almost died from Polio and Rheumatic fever, was tested and showed he had them in his life. Dad remembered him being deathly I'll as a kid a couple of times. He lived till 86 and had Parkinson's a few years before passing. The little graves of children were common years ago, we have whole areas for the Spanish Flu. The last time the Grey Cup was canceled was 1918. What happened in 1918? Soldier's brought home the Spanish flu, killing their Wives and Children. Masks do help, do I want to wear a depressing diaper on my face? No, it is so depressing to me, I won't go out in public, and it is getting close to happening. I was close to dealing with it thanks to an outbreak in Manitoba, masks are now mandatory there. They are talking 2 more years of this.
Mandatory mask bylaw introduced here in Lethbridge late Sunday night when we had 0 active cases in the city. To say I have been in a foul mood this week is an understatement. And its in effect until at least December 1st.
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