It's pretty funny you should say that BlueKnight, as my car was due for a smog check for emissions this month and while in line waiting to get it emissions tested I told the car if you pass this, I'll get you all detailed and waxed like NEVER before. So my 80 GP passed better than ANY car I have ever had. The Hydrocarbons allowed was 220 PPM and the car registered 24 on the load test and 22 on the idle test, with no Carbon Monoxide at load, and .41 on the idle test out of allowable of 1.41. SO my car gave that test the proverbial middle finger.. But my wife tired to say that I have never made deals with her like that..which I find hilarious, and convenient on her part, that she just doesnt seem to remember anything I have made as a deal with her because usually she loses! LOL
And just goes to show you how ignorant some people are. The guy testing the car..must have walked around my car for 5 minutes before breaking down and asking me where the gas cap was?? I was stunned, he deals with cars all the time, and looked like I was making it up when I told him it was behinf the license plate, then asked me..."well the odometer..that's 449,000 right? I told him if that were the case give me a trophy!! He didnt understand it rolled over and that you dont count the tenth of a mile digit?? I was like really??? Some people's kids! LOL