If vendors got together and made their own app it could target us with the parts we actually NEED to buy and dont even WANT to buy but stupid stuff like wiper blades sales, door/trunk locks, ignition cylinder, stalls, carbs, intakes, rubber seals kit; come on... people would actually click on advertisements if they were the things we needed to buy. How many of us guys buy something stupid like a turbo or a supercharger when we still don't even have the rubber seals kit yet or we go out and buy an expensive alternator then come to find out the battery was faulty and we just over-reacted etc etc. 14 inch tires? Hit me with an ad and I might HAVE to click on that ad. I might NEED to buy 15's but not have VOGUE / Coker tires money - so please do - hit me with the ad b/c IDK where to find 15's anymore. IDK where to find 14's anymore. IDK where to find a decent battery these days without going over a c-note. If the ads were applicable people would actually WANT to click on them and the parts could even be lame as hell things that we dont enjoy buying. A useful guilt trip is a good thing; when ads apply to things I'm actually needing to buy but have been putting off for a long time I might actually click on them. And I always hated insurance ad's and insurance companies but if I saw a good quote pop up I just might click on that too not even b/c I enjoy shopping for insurance but b/c have to...