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Master Mechanic
Jun 7, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
Hey guys.

Well, the guy who owned my GP before me liked to hit things. There's some dings and dents here and there, yada yada. But they had to replace the whole drivers side door and fender combination. The door doesn't exactly work perfectly. I've never been able to open the car from the outside (I tried messing with the interior workings, but it's so cramped i never got anywhere), nor does the dorr close properly without an absurd ammount of force. There's a bit of a droop if you just close it normally. Now, the passenger side works perfect. The other problem with the drivers side door is the door sometimes actually doesn't close, AT ALL! It actually BOUNCES off the car when you try to pull it closed. Something seems messed up in the actual mechanism on the door that connects with the striker. It sometimes locks up and that's when the door doesn't close. So I juggle the little thingy inside the door then it gets freed up. Is this a result of something messed up inside the door (that trigger looking thing), or is the striker off, or is the door just adjusted poorly thus resulting in alot of sagging? It's the proper GP door and all, it's just weird. lol. And of course it's the drivers side. I don't really mind, but it's a b*tch when it doesn't close. lol.


:shock: :? 😢
sounds to me like u gotta hit the door mechanisms with a can of wd-40 and unbolt the door and lift it up a lil bit
Sounds like you have the G body coupe door sag blues. Those doors are heavy, and wear their hinge pins down to where the door does not line up with anything. If the door was replaced due to an accident or ?, it is possible the hinge used with the replacement door was more worn down than the original.

All you can do is try to adjust the hinge and striker to get it better, or find replacement parts that aren't worn out. I had an '85 GP with 110k miles on it that the driver door sagged down about 1/4" at the back- it's just the normal wear and tear for those big doors.

I thought we talked about this before? We were waiting on some pics so we could describe the fix. Could be the hinges are worn, could be the door was never aligned properly when installed or could be the cowl is twisted since the fender and door were both replaced. Take some good pics and we can walk you through it.
Take the car to a British mechanic and have him change your car to a right side wheel drive.... 8)
the door is mis aligned! may need new door pins/bushings while you are at it. if the door is sagging it odviously is not going to hit the striker! i bet the door is also wearing away the paint on the rocker if not denting it severly. you may even crack the metal around the striker! doors are a huge pain to get right but once you get it you will think the car was new again. pin/bushing kits are on ebay for under 15 bucks and worth every penny, that is what causes most door sags. as far as it not opening from the outside, it may be a loose rod going to the latch or the handle is just shot or do like i do..... shave the the habdles and install a remote door popper!! 😀
IMO it may be common for sagging doors but it's not NORMAL.
I have squirted a little oil on the pins every year since sagging whatsoever. People don't care for the sh*t they buy.
PB Blaster on the latching mechanism on the door. Physically look at the bushings on the door hinges. If the bushings are there, you can get away without new ones if you need to. If they are split or gone, well then bushings you'll need, and a friend to help :friday: Look at the hinge pins to make sure they aren't bent too.
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