Why does Obama's civilian army scare me so? I dunno, maybe it's because we have seen this before--in Nazi Germany and the Stalinist USSR. Add to it the card check program and we have the makings of far left vigilantism. Just substitute race for green-ness as the new dividing line to rally behind. After all, most people don't like to think and prefer to be led, so the majority of the populace will go along with the bullshit they get fed from Washington. It's easier that way. I dislike politicians who concentrate on unity too much as if it were all that mattered. What we unite behind is not important so long as all the pawns do and think as they are told. This is why it has always been important during totalitarian revolutions to rid society of the intellectuals. That way, people don't hear opposing opinions that they are too stupid to devise on their own. Now why do I see those pesky black helicopters buzzing my house all the time... :lol: