I think that logically, any time you can take the load off the clutches, it is a good idea. Now ifThat's another point, I'm not sure how well the 200R4 does if the TCC isn't used but it may overheat?
Yeah, I'm not aware of any factory 200r4's that weren't equipped with TCC converter. I'd like to try one if I had a 3.21 rear but my 2.73 is too tall.
Lots of threads at many chevy sites debating whether to have a lockup or non lockup converter. Endless debate.
But, again, logically if you are driving at a high speed in overdrive and your speed varies, the factory lockup is never going to be on, or if it is then it will be constantly switching on/off. plenty of roads in the mountains where this would happen.
Essentially, o/d without lockup is like every other transmission before that had no lockup and the top gear clutches were being utilized at all times.
As well, I think I read that when not under lockup at cruising speed, there is less flow through cooler, therefore higher temp in the transmission. but again, if you are flogging the car when it is in overdrive, lockup is not necessary, and if you have too much hp, it is not going to help you anyways as it cannot handle it while in lockup mode. I would assume that is when the vacuum control comes into play, as more vacuum would take it out of lockup? But if there is an issue with it coming out of lockup under power increase in a timely manner (has to have a slight delay in releasing), then breakage is a lot more likely.
My cheap relay solution will work for me because I will be aware of why I did it. If I am going to accelerate at highway speeds with the 450hp 400 that I am putting in, I will turn lockup off or I will break the transmission I suppose. probably break it anyways, but that is just how it goes.
As well, I read that lockup contributes to premature failure due to breakage( I assume for my earlier reasoning of faulty control), but non-lockup causes higher temps, and therefore faster wearing out of the clutches but not breakage. Hook up the TCC, then keep it in third around town or towing, save o/d for the highway. This advice is the same for any o/d transmission no matter what it is in.
I am just trying to reason this all out myself, as I am putting a 200-4r from my GN into my cutlass along with a lot more engine. So if I am wrong, I need to find out and this is definitely the place for the right answers.