Okay, next time I will use the rise of the Bolshevik's in 1917 when they overthrew the Czar, or the idiotic French Revolution in which Robespierre started beheading those who did not agree with him. Both were due to poor economic conditions and a starving populace, as was what happened in Germany. That was all I meant. People are all too willing to sacrifice hard won liberties in the name of basic needs and a perception that a given politician will somehow make it all better if you just give him what he asks for. All 3 groups killed people on a massive scale into the millions to further their cause and stamp out dissent. There is not such a climate today, but an economic upheaval or a shortage of basic things like food for enough people is all it usually takes to descend into totalitarianism. (BTW: Some of my family were killed by the Bolsheviks during the revolution.)
Other possible choices of the state out of control: Chinese communist revolution and Mao's cultural revolution, Vlad Dracul in Romania, the Khumer Rouge in Cambodia, Rome under several emperors, etc. The most modern spooky characters elected to office would be Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Vladimir Putin of Russia. Anyhow, I'll stop.