Ever Been a Victim of Auto Theft Try This Out....The SNITCH

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Royal Smart Person
Jan 31, 2010
Ontario, Canada eh!
Re: Ever Been a Victim of Auto Theft Try This Out....The SNI

Look on Ebay for vehicle GPS tracking devices, they just need a SIM card from a cell phone plan (something basic) and you can track your vehicle in real time. I plan on getting one and installing it where it's hard to get to, like in the spare tire compartment.


Royal Smart Person
May 26, 2011
Re: Ever Been a Victim of Auto Theft Try This Out....The SNI

I wouldn't want my car stolen but there would be a satisfaction in knowing the guy who took it gets arrested. So I'd almost want a tracking device in the car and them to take and have it be recovered over having my column ripped apart and damage done to it without catching the person. Although the damage caused by them taking it and possibly wrecking it would be worse than the ripped apart column. I just know my brother and his boss were pretty damn happy that they themselves tracked it down in real time and had the douche bag on tape unloading their stuff and then the police swarmed the dumb *ss in his driveway. He tried running, he was tasered. That would bring a smile to my face :lol:


Royal Smart Person
Jul 17, 2011
Re: Ever Been a Victim of Auto Theft Try This Out....The SNI

a kill switch and lojack or any other gps tracking device for cheaper than lojack is the way to go...


Mar 31, 2006
Kitchener, Ontario
Re: Ever Been a Victim of Auto Theft Try This Out....The SNI

GPS will not stop someone from getting your car and it's easy to stop the signal so you can't track them...and a GPS tracking jammer can also block the LoJack signal

"Tracking devices are becoming increasingly compact and unobtrusive. They can be installed within seconds, record your route or relay accurate information on your location to within a few meters via mobile phone around the clock anywhere in the world. You are being tracked like a mad dog or ruthless employer who needs to know your whereabouts 27/7.
With these GPS tracker blockers you can protect your privacy and disappear for a while!
Become invisible for GPS monitoring for a short period and not feel like the “Fugitive”!
Using GPS blockers, GPS positioning systems become ineffective irrespective of where they are installed or hidden. Just switch on your GPS blocker and you disappear instantaneously.
By interfering with signals sent to any GPS receiver located within an area of a few meters, the GPS blocker renders position storage or transmission impossible. It is not necessary to know where exactly the positioning system is installed.
Using GPS Tracker blocker, GPS positioning systems become ineffective irrespective of where they are installed or hidden. Just switch on your GPS blocker and you disappear instantaneously.
What do I have to do to make use of the GPS blocker?

The GPS blocker can be used instantaneously – just plug it into the cigarette lighter (GPS-Blocker Car).
Or just activate it (GPS-Blocker Portable) and you will become invisible for all GPS devices located within an area of a few meters. This is all you have got to do"



G-Body Guru
Mar 14, 2007
Margate, UK>
Re: Ever Been a Victim of Auto Theft Try This Out....The SNI

We are in an arms race;
Cars are harder to steal, so the thieves work out how to outsmart the anti theft device, so we make cars harder still to steal, then the crooks get smarter.......

Once you could steal almost any car by getting in and driving it away, then you might need a screwdriver and pliers, then steering locks meant the end of auto theft forever :rofl: , carry on to the present day, the most common way of stealing a high value car in the UK is to break into the owners home and take the keys. No, you can't shoot an intruder over here :roll: , a few years ago a farmer shot and killed a 16 year old who was with a bunch of crackheads burgling his house.
Guess who went to jail? :wtf: .

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