Ever get tired of cars?

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Comic Book Super Hero
Oct 15, 2010
I just figured I'd throw this topic out for some random conversation.

Over the years this car hobby has been a mix of treasure hunting the classifieds/CL, sifting through other's junk, dealing with a vast array of people from all walks of life, being pissed off at times, scouring junkyards, running out of money on a project, lack of time, frustration, etc.

Do you ever get burned out, need to get away from it, or tried to leave it alone before? I've tried walking away from the hobby a couple of times and always get pulled back in sooner or later. I haven't been on the board as much lately just for that reason....needed a break.
Over the years I have got burnt out, broke and frustrated. Trying to have my toys and take care of a family at the same time can be discouraging at times.... Projects I have sold over the years because of this: 79'Cutlass, 83'Cutlass, and my 73' Dodge Charger. I love my G-Bodies but selling that 383 Charger was really tough....

My boys are older now and we finally have an "Empty Nest" :friday:

So It's gonna' take some time but I vow not to give up on mt 82' Regal......

I was really close to scrapping my '78 GP project recently. I almost sold my 455 block last weekend too. I knew I'd kick myself in the *ss for it though. I've regretted selling a lot of cars, especially an xtra clean '81 Regal I used to have.

The winter months don't help it either. Heated garage or not, you just can't get out and enjoy things the same way. I still plan on moving west eventually anyway. I have more reasons than just the winter for wanting to leave Illinois but that's another story!
Sure, I get tired of it sometimes, but never enough to call it quits altogether. I may sell off a project (my Grand Prix), to focus on my main project, but a trip to the forums to see what every one else is up to usually does the trick to get me motivated again. That...and the money I've sunk into my Firebird is enough to get me back out there (Failure is not an option at this point). A month or two off won't make a difference in the long run if that's what's needed. Life isn't always going to let you do the things you want when you want, so a litle break is good every so often. :mrgreen:
G-Body_Vet said:
I was really close to scrapping my '78 GP project recently. I almost sold my 455 block last weekend too. I knew I'd kick myself in the *ss for it though. I've regretted selling a lot of cars, especially an xtra clean '81 Regal I used to have.

The winter months don't help it either. Heated garage or not, you just can't get out and enjoy things the same way. I still plan on moving west eventually anyway. I have more reasons than just the winter for wanting to leave Illinois but that's another story!

I just got done doing a engine swap on another car in my heated gargage and it still was freaking cold!! got down to 0 degrees and i still was cold and my back got sore.. And my GP just sits there neglected and with $$ scarce i haven't done jack to it in grip.. :| I am still up in air in selling it and calling it quits. I would just like to buy a nice new decent car and quit stressing over whats needed to complete mine. Then again i can't swing a car note either... :wtf: FML
85GPLef41 said:
I just got done doing a engine swap on another car in my heated gargage and it still was freaking cold!! got down to 0 degrees and i still was cold and my back got sore.. And my GP just sits there neglected and with $$ scarce i haven't done jack to it in grip.. :| I am still up in air in selling it and calling it quits. I would just like to buy a nice new decent car and quit stressing over whats needed to complete mine. Then again i can't swing a car note either... :wtf: FML

I feel ya man. My daily is a '94 Deville and it's been trouble free for 3 years until this past month...the minor things were my fault for neglecting maintenance so I had to play catch up. I also had to move earlier this year, deal with a failed relationship, started a new job, etc. I guess it was just a bad year to worry about a car project LOL!

Things are looking up and there should be lots of OT between of Feb and May. If all goes as planned I may be driving the car this summer. Whenever I get discouraged I look at youtube vids of people thrashing big cube Pontiacs and it brings me back.
Because of cars, I lose sleep at night and daydream a lot. It's mainly cause I live in an apartment and a lot of my daydreaming/thoughts come from what I COULD be doing if i had a garage or at least a yard. However, the time has finally come, I've found a house for rent which I will be moving in on Feb 1st. Now it's time to sell the daily driver I bought and dump the money back into my cutlass. Can't wait, my baby has been sitting at a friends house for a couple of months now.
I've never been burned out on my own projects. I did get burned out on other peoples junk though. I walked away from the industry about 12 years ago. The shop I was working for pulled a lot of shady stuff against the techs in the name of "good customer service". Unfortunately there weren't any better options so I quit turning wrenches and got into a construction related field. All the while I did the occasional side job for spare cash. That went fine until '08. Then I got back to cars full time out of necessity. I still like working on them but now I have the option of picking and choosing what and who I work for. Makes all the difference in the world.
As far as my projects go, there's enough of them that if I start getting frustrated with one I just focus on a different one. That's probably why none of them ever get finished. I would guess that none of us have enough money to fund our builds the way we'd like.
DRIVEN said:
I've never been burned out on my own projects. I did get burned out on other peoples junk though. I walked away from the industry about 12 years ago. The shop I was working for pulled a lot of shady stuff against the techs in the name of "good customer service". Unfortunately there weren't any better options so I quit turning wrenches and got into a construction related field. All the while I did the occasional side job for spare cash. That went fine until '08. Then I got back to cars full time out of necessity. I still like working on them but now I have the option of picking and choosing what and who I work for. Makes all the difference in the world.
As far as my projects go, there's enough of them that if I start getting frustrated with one I just focus on a different one. That's probably why none of them ever get finished. I would guess that none of us have enough money to fund our builds the way we'd like.

I've never worked for an automotive shop (USMC CH-46E helicopter mechanic), but I used to take on a lot of side jobs for extra cash when I was in my 20's. I remember one particular summer seemed like nothing but transmission jobs.....and when you do it with jack stands it gets old quick. Relatives with car problems didn't help it either! These days I won't touch anyone else's car because of the time, interest or need isn't there.
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