the other day I saw my caddy that I tried to sell like 3-4x was leaking coolant, so even though it was like -22* F I put some in and went to fire it up - to maybe see where it was coming from hopefully & put some stop leak, but because it was sooo cold the ignition system detected friction or something and flashed 'security'' and I just got so mad that I had frozen my hands halfway off and stood in the cold wind for a failed start that I snapped and smacked the whole damn grill out of the car in one punch (it gave way super easily in the extreme cold because it was extra brittle) and little pieces of plastic went skittering everywhere. I think of giving up on cars all the time but I never do. My brother has a Fusion Sport with under 40k miles sitting in front my house that he walked away from to live in NY and take public transportation. He just got tired of driving and finally said he wanted to take a break from driving and use the bus / train instead.