Ever get tired of cars?

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well its my career actually haha. I see fixing cars as relaxing. you can allways fix something on a car. now hobby cars are a little different they do get tiring and irritating sometimes.
Dennyboy said:
well its my career actually haha. I see fixing cars as relaxing. you can allways fix something on a car. now hobby cars are a little different they do get tiring and irritating sometimes.

Sometimes I bend a lot of 3/8" stainless tubing at work and actually find that relaxing. It gives me a rare opportunity to be creative at work and it's aesthetically pleasing to look at when it's done. :lol:
I love working on mine but I have an engine thats taking all my money so the car is just sitting now. Ofcourse when the engine is done I will too much stuff to do :lol:
I have been at this point. When I was working at the dealership the last thing I wanted to do was work on another car. I stepped away from the hobby for a couple years. I never sold anything because I knew I would be back into it one day. That was about 10 years ago. Now I'm back in up to my eyeballs. Stay positive and don't sell anything just yet 😀
Yah I moved from a dealership to a smaller two man shop. I feel like I fix cars more than just changing out warrantied parts. In the area I am in there are alot of late 70's to early 90's cars, as well as newer cars. So I don't miss my car in the winter as much as i use too haha.
Blue Knight said:
You guys just need other hobbies.

The other hobbies take away cash from the cars! :lol:
Besides, ammo is either out of stock or overpriced right now.
67rstbkt said:
Here's some motivation for you, just got the 461 poncho fired up. What's the status on yours?

That's running real nice! I'm waaaaay behind where I want to be. I still haven't bought pistons and rods yet. It's been a crappy year full of turmoil (new job, moved, etc) so the build was on the back burner. I'm going to hit it hard in March or April since the OT is going to pick up. I've been considering those d-port E-heads instead of using the 6X-4's. The machinist is trying to get me to use custom pistons to keep the CR tolerable, whereas the aluminum heads would be more forgiving with compression, make more power, more efficient, less weight, etc.
G-Body_Vet said:
67rstbkt said:
Here's some motivation for you, just got the 461 poncho fired up. What's the status on yours?

That's running real nice! I'm waaaaay behind where I want to be. I still haven't bought pistons and rods yet. It's been a crappy year full of turmoil (new job, moved, etc) so the build was on the back burner. I'm going to hit it hard in March or April since the OT is going to pick up. I've been considering those d-port E-heads instead of using the 6X-4's. The machinist is trying to get me to use custom pistons to keep the CR tolerable, whereas the aluminum heads would be more forgiving with compression, make more power, more efficient, less weight, etc.

Sounds like you have a few things to consider; I'm not sure if going with the aluminum heads is all that great. You need the extra compression to make the switch to aluminum, so I don't believe you are gaining that much over a nice set of properly prepped iron heads (in a pontiac). Out of the box, the aluminum heads will probably need work. I'm not sure if the newer D-ports are different, but my round ports did not come with anything under the springs except for spacers. They also were not flat out of the box. So I ended up putting another $500 into heads that should have been "bolt-on". Just something to think about......

So I guess we have this:

Good: Weight savings, flow pretty good out of the box

Bad: Needed to be decked, added spring retainers so that the springs are not up against aluminum, some light porting/clean-up. Also had to change out the springs to better match the cam.

Don't get me wrong, the "bad" is not all that bad because in the end I have something better, but I was thinking that I would just slap them on and be good to go.

BTW, I'm way behind too. It's taken almost 5 years to get this car to where it is now and I still have a ways to go before I can drive it. I set a goal for every year and try to meet that to keep me motivated. 2012 was to get the motor and trans in and get it running. I'm a month late, but it's close enough. 2013 will be body work and rear-end
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