Thanks man, I appreciate your feedback. I have noticed when the A/C is engaged the belt does tend to flop around, despite of how tight I try to tighten it. When the compressor is not engaged, the belt seems to run nice and true. Only under a load it acts like it's loose.When I got my AC working a couple years back I tried Dayco, Goodyear, and whatever off brand the parts guy swore would work and they all would all start to flop and squeal once the weather got hot. I ended up using a timing belt tensioner pully I had left over from my boat ( 2.3 volvo ). Slid a nut and bolt thru it and placed it in the groove the AC is adjusted on to put a little extra tension on the bolt and take the slop out. Worked great until my compressor decided it had enough and seized.
It's funny, where the belt spans between the compressor and pulley, it looks like it could use an idler pulley.