Got some time this afternoon to get the transmission bolted to the crossmember to see what the next fun part is going to be. Saw the mounts center thread hole is not lining, so I jacked the transmission up to see what adjustments I can do. As the transmission went up, the crossmember was unflexing from the weight! I ordered it from Jegs back in 2013 & just mounted it in the frame. Come 4 1/2 years later I find out I should got a G force/Summit one. If it flexes/sags from the weight it needs to support, what is it going to do under a load or a spirited ride? So besides having to adjust the rear of drivetrain centerline about 5/8" to the drivers side (loosen frame side mount bolts and use a little moron strenth to adjust) I'm going to have to invest in a better crossmember. Guess it's a good thing there is no body in the way to deal with it.