Wiring of the starter, alternator and battery.....
The alternator needed the pig tail swapped as the harness had the connection for the ZL1 alternator.
I needed to be able to run power leads to the alternator, the fuse/relay box and the starter. I did some more research as well as looked at late model GM cars and trucks to see how they wire these things. GM has been using 175 amp Megafuse off of the positive cable to power the alternator and fuse/relay box. I needed a clean way to do this with the side post battery. I found the positive cable for a 98-02 V8 F body fit the bill. It comes with 3 leads crimped in. 2 of these are red 4 gauge and 1 was a black 6 gauge. I uncrimped the connector and removed the 6 gauge. I then the ran 1 of the 4 gauge down to the starter. The other was shortened and feeds the input side of the Megafuse. The output side of the Megafuse has the 6 gauge (I removed and added new ends) . This is the power wire to the fuse/relay box. I used the original 4 gauge lead from the Escalade alternator seen in the first picture in this thread. The ground cable is a 32" GM/AC Delco
The starter is the original starter from the 2008 Escalade. It has all of the original style post connections like the original starter from 1978. All of the wiring connections at the starter are as they were in 1978.
Also note that I have installed and original GM positive post cover on that battery bolt seen in the picture.

The alternator needed the pig tail swapped as the harness had the connection for the ZL1 alternator.
I needed to be able to run power leads to the alternator, the fuse/relay box and the starter. I did some more research as well as looked at late model GM cars and trucks to see how they wire these things. GM has been using 175 amp Megafuse off of the positive cable to power the alternator and fuse/relay box. I needed a clean way to do this with the side post battery. I found the positive cable for a 98-02 V8 F body fit the bill. It comes with 3 leads crimped in. 2 of these are red 4 gauge and 1 was a black 6 gauge. I uncrimped the connector and removed the 6 gauge. I then the ran 1 of the 4 gauge down to the starter. The other was shortened and feeds the input side of the Megafuse. The output side of the Megafuse has the 6 gauge (I removed and added new ends) . This is the power wire to the fuse/relay box. I used the original 4 gauge lead from the Escalade alternator seen in the first picture in this thread. The ground cable is a 32" GM/AC Delco
The starter is the original starter from the 2008 Escalade. It has all of the original style post connections like the original starter from 1978. All of the wiring connections at the starter are as they were in 1978.
Also note that I have installed and original GM positive post cover on that battery bolt seen in the picture.

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