Franco Harris (1950-2022), sad day for yinzers

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Sep 14, 2014
Elderton, Pa
For those who are tied to Pittsburgh or part of the Steeler Nation, Franco Harris passed this moring at the age of 72. This weekend the Steelers are to retire his #32 in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Immaculate Reception. Sad day for Pittsburgh, the Steelers &members of Franco's Italian Army.
Pittsburgh Steelers GIF
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Yeah, pretty sad. Especially just a few days away. I'm not and never been a Steeler fan, but Franco did leave his mark on NFL/Steeler history with that grab.

What's sad too...I watched that game on TV. Live. And I couldn't believe that he actually caught it when I first saw it because it was off screen live. It was only on the replay that you could see it and about an inch or so from the ground. Damn I'm old.

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Heard about it earlier today from an old guy we work with that went to high school with him and was on the track team with him. Met him at Eglin AFB in 2002 and snagged an autograph.

He was signing everything, got my cover too. Put that up when I got back to the dorm and have had it ever since.

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Definitely sad news. He was a real class act and just an honest-to-God good person. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of the people who got to watch him play in his prime.
Best run organization is professional sports imo. I don't watch much anymore(pretty sure it's staged, kc vs sf super bowl sealed it for me), but I'm from indianapolis so I rooted for the colts. They never beat the steelers, ever. To have 3 coaches in 50 yrs is amazing. I remember vividly watching the NFL films "immaculate reception" as a kid. Seemed like a good dude, RIP.
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