Greetings Mclell & all; Ya I noticed too, but being from another generation I prefer a woman in a skirt or dress. Quicker access. To me she looked constipated like a weeks worth! Different times, different tastes. Not to change the subject, Hhaa. Have you quarter mile-ed your Holden-Pontiac-Monaro-GTO yet & if so how quick did it go. Back to BJ, wait we're talkin' about woman & BJ in the same post. This thread is about cars right? Anyway BJ does seem to bring home the fact that making money on fun automobiles isn't easy. It isn't so much different than the stock market?? If a car enthusiasts can't build a fun car for himself for what ever reason, wounded Vet, mechanically inept, job takes all waking hours or any other reason the auctions provide a place to get a car for usually much less than it costs to build. Provided you go early. I kinda wish I could take the Bronze Brick (if they would even consider a dirty driver) as it may be the most exclusive of all the "A-G" cars produced? But then you have to have deeper pockets than me. My estimate of just taking a car to BJ must run well over $3000. Ya gotta get it (car to be auctioned) their & have return transportation (including gas), motels, food & FEES. I can just see it 5 years from now & the new owner of the Bronze Brick will have the funds to take it. Clean it up, HIPE it up & re sell it for a profit??? Maybe getting back to somewhere near what I've put into it?? On to the quality problem we car guys will have tonight Jay Leno or BJ, I'll probably switch back & forth. Enjoy, Ole' Bob.
Ps: Cabin Fever is starting to set in!