What in the heck could be causing it? My GP has given me nothing but problems this year. There have been extensive fuel issues. After cleaning out the tank, replacing all lines, new pump, rebuilt carb, it still loves to stall. The carb seems to be getting way too hot and its boiling the gas(taking the air cleaner off its quite clear that the gas is boiling) According to the temperature gauge its just going up to half(stock gauges) Seems as soon as it gets to half it starts acting up. (brand new thermostat, summer application) I have a heat shield between the intake and the carb and I'm going mad. What in the heck could be causing this thing to boil? When I open the hood it doesnt even seem That hot and the rad is rebuilt and the antifreeze is right up.
Anyone else ever had a similar problem?
Anyone else ever had a similar problem?