Gas pedal question

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Royal Smart Person
Jan 18, 2009
San Antonio, TX
One thing I want to correct is the slop in the gas pedal. With deadening material and carpet, I would have to push pretty hard to get the pedal further down through the material. I don't want to cut a slot in the carpet for more pedal travel. So is there any way of adjusting the gas pedal further away from the floor so I can get full pedal travel?
Is it not opening the carb all the way as it is? I don't understand what you are trying to accomplish.
The way I corrected mine was at the carb, being that I don't have a kickdown cable I was able to pull the cable mount back further towards the firewall thus eliminating the "slop" or freeplay that the pedal once had. I don't know if that helps you, I can't really think of another way to say it.
why not just take the gas pedal out and bend the pedal out towards you so you`ll have more travel on the pedal. This is the first time I have seen any mention a problem like this tho...
When I would try to lay into it, the pedal would not open the carb all the way. I would try to shove it through the dynamat and carpet and still feel the carb was not fully open. I don't know about the bracket yet as I have not gotten to swapping in the 700r4 and all the brackets that go with that swap. I'll look at it when I get home as it may be as simple as taking the torch, heating the bracket that goes down to the pedal a little bit, and just moving the pedal forward. I just wasn't sure if there was a factory adjustment somewhere to get more pedal travel.

I nit pick little things to see how I can fix them. I'm running out of things to fix on this car so I like asking questions :mrgreen:
If your carb isn't at wot with the gas pedal floored I think it's something other than the pedal...
I think its just cause the carpet was raised along with the thick padding I used as a sound deadener. Wasn't dynomat but something similar...cant remember though. The carb is close to WOT but it is not fully.
Did you have a V8 or V6 before swap? When I did my V6 to 350 swap, I had to change to V8 throttle cable.
shorten your throttle cable and get some stiffer throttle springs. and get one of these:
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