Hey guys. Just about 2-1/2 months ago, I got my first job, washing dishes at a small local restaurant. My boss must have seen some good qualities in me, because about a month later he started introducing me to cooking, and working the grill. I've been doing that ever since , very rarely washing dishes. We are very, very busy for only being a small restaurant, and I have only been cooking for about a month. I make little mistakes, and have taken all the advice my boss can give me, but quite honestly he is on a power trip. He has been working at the place for 15 years, and I guess he thinks its time for him to take the throne, which isn't happening. Anyways, he treats me like a peice of crap, so if a man to man talk doesn't fix that in the short term, then I guess I will be (and still am) looking for a new job. I am interested in becoming an Automotive Designer, Engineer, or Journalist. I'd like to get started in the auto industry somewhere ASAP, but I'm not sure where. I am only 16, I know most places only hire at 18. Any suggestions from you guys?