good movie to watch....

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Royal Smart Person
Jul 11, 2008
southside va/lake gaston
Just watched "Seven Days In May" on TCM tonight. Very good flick and great plot, and even almost 50yrs later it still holds relevance.
It was a good movie, tended to villainize the military a bit too much since many coup's are generated from politicians of all persuasions using rouge officers to do their deeds. But, the point of the movie is very thought provoking and shows the real possibilities.
A good example would be the governor of NC saying it would help the economy to suspend or postpone the upcoming elections. That could be viewed as a first step.
Randy_W said:
A good example would be the governor of NC saying it would help the economy to suspend or postpone the upcoming elections. That could be viewed as a first step.

The idea that suspending elections is in any way a good one baffles me. The right to vote for one's preferred candidate is just that, a right. Not something that could be suspended at the whim of an elected official.
TexasT said:
Randy_W said:
A good example would be the governor of NC saying it would help the economy to suspend or postpone the upcoming elections. That could be viewed as a first step.

The idea that suspending elections is in any way a good one baffles me. The right to vote for one's preferred candidate is just that, a right. Not something that could be suspended at the whim of an elected official.
yeah...bout as dumb as requiring people to show a valid ID in order to be able to vote. No law requires anybody to have an ID unless you want to buy beer or cigarettes. Just more ways the GOP is keeping the poor away from the poles....
yea its not like not their trying to keep people who aren't citizens from voting or anything like that. Its all an elaborate GOP scheme to screw the poor. :roll:
79malibu350 said:
yea its not like not their trying to keep people who aren't citizens from voting or anything like that. Its all an elaborate GOP scheme to screw the poor. :roll:

Can you show any proof that illegal immigrants have been voting? You can't vote unless you're registered, and you can't be registered unless you're a citizen... Seems pretty simple to me.
bill said:
yeah...bout as dumb as requiring people to show a valid ID in order to be able to vote. No law requires anybody to have an ID unless you want to buy beer or cigarettes. Just more ways the GOP is keeping the poor away from the poles...

How does it keep the poor away from the poles? Not disagreeing yet anyway, just wondering why you think that.
It doesn't keep any legal voter away, it just takes the illegal immigrant, multiple, unregistered and cemetery voters away. You know, the ones that ACORN brings to the polls?!
“Don't buy a single vote more than necessary. I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for a landslide.”
(Joseph P. Kennedy, father of John F. Kennedy, (1888-1969)
in a number of recent elections there have been issues with people voting more than once, dead people, illegals, and the non registered voting. god forbid we require ID.
think about it. voting changes the gov't and can change our way of life. how can we NOT make sure that people don't "cheat."
you know who stops the poor from voting? the poor. they don't register, for one. and for the most part they don't go and vote. it was a big deal in the last election that the black and hispanic turn out was much greater than previously.
kornball426 said:
79malibu350 said:
yea its not like not their trying to keep people who aren't citizens from voting or anything like that. Its all an elaborate GOP scheme to screw the poor. :roll:

Can you show any proof that illegal immigrants have been voting? You can't vote unless you're registered, and you can't be registered unless you're a citizen... Seems pretty simple to me.
Hey Korn...the pretty lady on FOX says its ya know its gotta be true! :rofl:
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