Good News Maybe for EVs?


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2006
There will always be debates about EV technology, but here's something that looks promising for "smaller" battery development for EVs and in general. Cheaper and better doesn't always go together, but MIT seems to be on to something good, if the reporting is accurate. A new concept of a battery using aluminum and sulfur for electrodes, and molten salt for electrolyte. All cheap and abundant materials. If this works out, it could be a game changer. Best part is, NO BRIDGING in the cells, and non-flammable. No special requirments needed for corrosion controls, either. It generates its own heat during charging and discharging to keep the salts from freezing. It's sealed so no escaped gas, no odors. It sounds promising, not just for EVs, but for small battery use. If it can keep a good charge and get longer use, whoever owns this patent may become very rich very soon.

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'Tis but one of a number of ideas I've seen floating around, I'm really pulling for the cheap/not exotic solutions to pan out. This is getting shoved down our throats like it or not, so the cheaper and less bad/dumb it can be the better. Plus battery breakthroughs will carry over to stuff I actually care about so this is something I check in on every now and again.
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I have no doubt that in the next decade or two, there will be battery advancements that will change the world as much as cell phones have. Well maybe not that much, but similar.
battery’s are what’s holding back EVs. With my ebikes they are the limiting factor of performance and speed. And especially determine the price point.
Here’s one of my bikes made from all used parts and reclaimed batteries. 45mph & 2 wheel drive.
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You'd really have to be pathological to hope it doesn't work. But years away, if at all. As we know from solid state batteries, there's a big leap from theories and lab mockups to something that can actually be manufactured.
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Synical me wonders if all the gas and oil lobbyists and their employers have got into the battery game to know if they will allow it to succeed
Synical me wonders if all the gas and oil lobbyists and their employers have got into the battery game to know if they will allow it to succeed

The thing that gets me with the oil industry is the fact that they're really an energy industry. If they don't want to get crushed going forward, they really should see if that way themselves and invest accordingly for the long term. Or perhaps they are and I'm just not seeing it.
The thing that gets me with the oil industry is the fact that they're really an energy industry. If they don't want to get crushed going forward, they really should see if that way themselves and invest accordingly for the long term. Or perhaps they are and I'm just not seeing it.

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