The 2019 changed by actually making it a tad lighter and believe it or not, more nimble than the 2014-18 version. The 2020 is virtually the same truck as the 2019. I'm thinking they're so close to changeover now at the end of June to shutdown to get ready for the 2021 model year, I'm betting they won't make many more 2020s. So it'll be a short year. They're probably just going to build out whatever parts are left in the system now as they start winding back up in production. Just a guess.I drove a 2018 GMC last year. The buffeting and wind noise with a window rolled down was enuff to turn me off.
WUBBA WUBBBA WUBBA, didn't matter if the other side was up, down or in between.
That, and the window control was the most poorly engineered POS I've ever used.
Hope your new ride is better, looks like a nice truck.
It's still got a lot more plastic on it and in it than there should be, but it's a 2020. I wouldn't expect much else. So many gadgets and weird things on it. The lane control doesn't jerk the wheel like it did a while back. It gently but firmly turns the wheel just enough to kick you back in the lane without being an a**hole about it.
I don't care for the Ram, I can't wrap my head around Ford's refrigerators, and dad would roll over in his grave, crawl out and slap me if I ever supported Toyota. They just don't do it for me anyway. I kinda like Chevy's Trail Boss, but the body style doesn't talk to me. The GMC is my home. I know it's not for everyone, but I'm ok with it.