This is why HF and their kind suck. When you bought an American made hammer an American company made it and American workers made money. If you buy an imported hammer for pennies on the dollar a foreign company made it and a foreign worker makes money. You figure if it breaks you just get another cheaply and if you really need a good hammer you will just get the American made one. That is OK until the American company shuts down and you are left with only the imported junk. Now since the import is the only hammer left the importer raises the price of it until it is what the well made American hammer used to cost. Then the importer pockets the difference and you are paying full price for junk. I don't blame the foreign company- I blame the scumbag American importer. An American company is closed and the importer caused that. He doesn't care. All he cares about is the money he is raking in. THAT is treason.
More likely the American company would shut its US factory and outsource to thr same Chinese factory the importer uses. Either way it sucks. Then again, barring lower cost importers can hurt US consumers and the whole economy by reducing the total number of transactions from limiting options for the benefit of a few domestic CEOs. Lots of different brands cone from the same factory.
To add confusion, some name brand manurfacturers also make lines of no name goods while some no name companies are hired to manurfacturer goods for name brands companies. This makes finding quality very difficult anymore. A lot of marketing stuidies show that while consumers want quality, they largerly prefer value over quality. It is hard to offer both.