i posted this topic on here like a year ago with little response so i am gonna try again. has anyone actually shot restoration shop or kustom shop paint or had it on their car for a long period of time? please keep the you get what you pay for trash talk to yourself if you have not actually sprayed it, i have read a 100 posts around online that are bashing it but none of those people have ever sprayed it. i know you get what you pay for but i dont think i need to support a nascar team with my paint purchase.... i want to hear from someone who has actually sprayed it and can maybe compare the quality to other brands. i am not building a 100k show car but i want my paint to look good. i read that they use valspar pigments and from the people i have actually heard of spraying it have liked it but they are all amatures (like me) so they could not compare to other brands. it looks like i can buy 4 quarts of burgundy and a quart of silver, clear and all my harders and reducers for under 300 or less which i can afford, i cant afford to drop a grand on paint right now. there is also the eastwood and summit paint but i figured out that is just relabeled kirker which is even cheaper but i have read some bad things on their paint.