So I got my car basicly finished and decided to drive it wit open headers bout 15 miles to a safer place so it can sit till I got da money to put duels on.....about 80% of the way ther I felt/heard a pop and it sounded like somthing was flung to passinger side on frame rail under pass door....then got a call from my tail that was following me that I was spraying clear stuff all over her windsheild and it wasn't coming off wit wipers so I countinued on cuz I thought it was power steering fluid a few more miles exited highway and car died there used tow chain to tow it 1 min down da won't turn over starter jus wasnt knocking or anything so I don't think its a rod but I'm not sure somone told me it is a freeze plug is this what it sounds like...will have more info in morning when I can look at it.... my fan wasn't working eather so for those 15 miles I don't think I was cooling give me your input.....I hope its not seized up..