I'm not a "lead member", I'm JAFGO, or just another f*ckin' G-body owner. But facts are facts and opinions are opinions. You opened it up for opinions, and I gave you mine. Take it or leave it. I wasn't trying to put your car down. It's just that a 350R in an H/O or 442 back then with the standard rear gears wasn't a powerhouse even when new (compared to the 260 it was, but not in the overall scheme of things). Raise your hand if you think it was....didn't think so. Put in the straight pipe and you'll get the first-hand knowledge of what I'm talking about. It's just that a straight pipe is no panacea for performance gains. If your cat was almost plugged, the maximum return is you're only going to get back what you lost due to the plugging, so you're not really "gaining" anything anyway, except what the old, plugging cat is stealing from you. A performance gain would be rebuilding your Olds 350 to 1970 W-31 specs with headers and a real dual exhaust system.Wow........what a hurtful thing to say being a lead member on this site.........😢
No cheerleader award for you...............🙈
If it's plugging, by all means, get that old cat out of there. If you want the straight pipe, I'm sure it'd be a whole lot cheaper than 100 bucks. Or should be. Recall back then the big thing was buying "test pipes" to replace the converters.
Plus, I don't think anyone here really GAF about being green or most people wouldn't do the crazy things they do to their cars. But if there's a visual emissions check in your state, or if it ever gets one, and you ain't got a converter, you're not getting a registration. I know what I would do if I were going to keep the car forever. Might buy it and put it in a corner somewhere if I didn't use it right away- ace in the hole sort of thing. But I don't really care what others do to their cars.