thats the thing, most people wrote g bodys off as a piece of junk years ago. i benifited by this greatly though, i have never paid more the 500 bucks for any g body i have owned or parted out and between that i have had over a dozen of them and most of them i paid 100 bucks for. all of the cars that i did part out had terrible rust issues since i live in a city that uses salt on the roads like a drugy and theie drugs, lol. all of these g bodys that have been destoyed just make ours worth that much more. i dont know how long you guys have been into g body cars but i am have been into them for over a decade now and i am a ebay guy so i am always watching g body cars for sale on ebay so that i can get ideas, ppictures and look for cars in my area for sale. i have watched g bodys hit rock bottom on prices where a clean 50,000 mile car sold for under 2 grand and parts cars were damn near given away to now you can barely find a buildable g body for less the 4 grand for a nice one, and yes i do know there have been some good deals that we have all seen but for the most part they are going back up in price. i guess the point i am trying to make is just because we see the true potential of these cars people would rather buy a cavalier or sunfire or whatever and they write off 80s cars as junk. i assure you that this is changing just watching prices on ebay. did i mention that when i use to look on ebay for a regal and i filtered them to be only 78-87 that there would always be close to a hundred for sale at a time, i have not looked tis week but my guess is that there are less then 20 on there right now and it is most likely less then a dozen........