67rstbkt said:Don't get me wrong, I think roller cams are a great option. It's just that when I priced out what I wanted in a roller setup it added well over another grand to my build. I had to draw the line somewhere and that was the line for me; plus the machine shop owner and his son both pushed me in the solid cam direction.....so that's what I ended up buying. Hopefully it all works out like I want, I guess we'll see.
I plan to drop of my block this Thursday and we'll see exactly what we're working with. My preliminary 'eyeballing" seems good but we'll see what the machinist has to say. I feel like I've been gathering opinions for the past 6 months to figure out the best combo.
My biggest hurdle now is buying pistons & rods. The cleaning, mag chk & cam bearing removal is $135. Seems like a decent price compared to the other places I've checked. The thing that's nice is that they do all of their work in-house. They specialize in cranks & balancing. They also have a distributor machine that I plan to utilize to dial everything in. We will see though. I'm ready to get the ball rolling!