I Think McCain Needs A New Slogan

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srercrcr said:
FDR was a good thing...your grandpappy knew that.
We're gonna need another FDR to bring us out of a serious recession, thanks to Mr Bush.
By the way, my Bush scorecard has as #1....Bin Ladin...seven years and still not captured. A failed presidency, unless you're a oil man, like his family and the Cheney family.

The economy is in the tanker because of the Iraq war, out of control government spending, and the price of oil. All of which you can thank Mr. Bush. But I'll tell you one thing, George and his construction buddy Cheney are sure cashing in while they still have the power to.

And I'm not buying the fact we can't catch Bin Ladin. He has ties to the Bush family and their oil empire. Plus he's hiding out in the safe haven of Pakistan, which is a country we give $10 million dollars a year to a corrupt dictator Musharraf, in which they can't even hold elections. Somehow they get our support, but we don't go into Pakistan to look for a so called 'enemy'?

Greed, power, corruption and politics go hand in hand. I'm hopeful that things can change for the better and a new Regan will come along, but it's not happening this year.
I was originally hoping Newt Gingrich would run as he is more like me in his politics than anyone who ran this time. As for race and gender, they matter not to me. I vote ideology, record and character, not something as superficial as skin color. I voted for Alan Keyes in the primaries once, and would vote for another African-American candidate if they supported my political leanings. This time around, I am voting for someone who is more likely to put constructionist judges on the Supreme Court as that is the best I can hope for. I know neither of the Democrats would do this as they are both far left Marxists who care little for the Constitution.
srercrcr said:
FDR was a good thing...your grandpappy knew that.
We're gonna need another FDR to bring us out of a serious recession, thanks to Mr Bush.

My granddad says that FDR was a communist! I believe him. You need to do more research, I think. He has more to do with our massive deficit spending than any other president in the last 30+ years. Welfare and social security are going to bankrupt us while ushering in socilalism at the same time. They can take universal health care and shove that, too, while they're at it.

Bush doesn't singularly control recessions. Clinton didn't either. They both suck.

I am a hard core conservative, my guy is out of the primary, and I'm done eating sh*t sandwiches and holding my nose while I vote. I don't care what the stupid, fat elephant tells me to do this time, McCain can NEVER have my vote. I am throwing them all under the bus this time. I am showing up to vote on the other people and issues on the ballot, but the presidential nominee will most likely be left blank.

Anyone know who the constitution party candidate is this time? Maybe I'll vote for that guy...
85 Cutlass,

Please don't misinterpret my last post as saying that everyone who is voting for McCain is a racist. After re-reading my post I relaize that it may come-off that way. I understand that some poeple are voting for McCain for idiological reasons, just as I am voting against him for those same reasons. I was actually talking about some of the weak democrats I have spoken to.

I do not agree with the Republican philosophies or agenda, but I realize that others do. I do not understand the reverence for Regan. Trickle down economics was a polite way to say "piss on the poor". I grew up in the 80's in Cleveland. We lost our unions and then our industry. In 80' all of my family had jobs in the mills or foundries, by 84 they were getting government unemployment checks. I understand that some have better memories of the 80's it comes down to perspective.

I personnally do not think we need another Regan. We need another Kennedy or Johnson. Someone to inspire the populace and make them care and participate again. What would be wrong with a Government work program. Part of the reason for the interstate system was to create jobs, couldn't we do that again with some type of infrastructure or environmental improvement. Even if you do not agree with global warming, improving the earth is still a noble and potentially profitalbe cause. If employing those people caused your taxes to go up, but then we had more workers and those a larger tax base, we could later reduce the taxes, wouldn't it be worth it. Aren't we willing to pay to live in the greatest country on earth. Who ever said it should be cheap? A great man once said "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". I do not remember a cost being quoted.

As for judges that respect the constitution... If you see any let me know. This bunch does not. First they appointed a president, then they allowed him to circumvent the constitution at will.. signing statements, getting us in a war on a lie (actually a few they keep changing), outing a CIA agent, and spying on our phone calls (read the 4th amendment). Remember, the constitution is not intended to limit our rights, or even define them. It was intended to limit the governments abilities to infringe upon them.
And to limit the government's ability to infringe upon ME. Which is why your government works program is bad, just like Kennedy and Johnson. You wanna talk about government corruption, stolen elections (remember the dead that voted for Kennedy against Nixon in '60 to deliver Texas and Illinois?) and endless, pointless wars that were started, and on and on, you need look no further than your own corrupt party. Kennedy and Johnson are certainly among the list...

I can, and most conservatives can, certainly agree about infringements on the Constitution. Bush is a blue blood big government republican, and not to our tastes, to say the least. Smaller government is our objective.

Cleveland's demise is rooted in union failures and long runs of democrat rule. You need only look at Michigan's fate to see what happens when democrats rule and work programs are instituted.

Nobody can buy 3 dollar products anymore when it costs the company a union mandated 20 dollars per hour for the workers and then the company is taxed to hell by the democrats running the district. That's what happens EVERY TIME that democrats institute the socialist (communist) government dependence work programs and taxes. That's why business fails even when they make good products and why they leave and build their factories in crappy corrupt countries who charge them less in mafia "protection" fees than our government charges in taxes, not to mention the union demands.

The reason we love Reagan so much is simply that he taught self-reliance, hand in hand with the love of America. Not love of the government, or dependence on it because "we just can't make it anymore."

I hate work. I have two jobs. I am doing what is required, with no help from the government. I will make it. You can, too.

And you don't need the government to help. Others don't either. Friends, churches, charities, you name it, it's out there and it doesn't cost taxes.
Kennedy believed in trickle down economics and cut taxes to "the rich" almost as much as Regan did. Johnson did nothing for the poor but remove their incentive to strive. The poverty level is the same today as it was at the beginning of "The Great Society". This is why there is so much poverty in the inner cities. The culture of many of the poor has moved from self reliance to government reliance and they have lost their work ethic. (This happened at precisely the wrong time as the racial barriers to success were finally being dismantled and parity would have been achieved by now were it not for the welfare state.) Either that, or the racially motivated culture of many tends to be that doing well in school is being too white. Leaders like Jackson and Sharpton are keen to play on class and racial differences to achieve power at the expense of those they supposedly represent. At this time in history, the only reason you do not have a decent life as an American is your own choice not to try. There is, after all, no average difference in ability or intelligence between people of different racial or ethnic groups. Racism does still exist, but so do great opportunities. You cannot depend on others for your future and success. Only you can make you succeed.

Also, if things are so bad where you live, move. My family moved from New York to Florida in 1987 due to a high cost of living and a lack of good paying jobs. Florida may not pay well, but at the time it was cheap to live here with low housing costs and cheap insurance. Plus, there is no state income tax, no road salt and no vehicle inspections. You can't rely on a union or an industry to always be there for you. Economics change, market demands change and corporations change or go out of business. I am a pizza delivery driver and it is my only job. Yet I manage to own a house with almost $70,000 in equity plus 2 cars and a truck. Why? Because I make smart decisions. It is not thanks to any government program or a union. Rely on yourself. In the end, you are the only person responsible for your destiny.

As for FDR, yes some people went back to work for the TVA, WPA, etc. but this is not why the depression ended. It really did not end until the beginning of WWII, which coincided with an end to the drought conditions that existed in the plains states at that time. The post war prosperity in this country was partially due to high demand for exports due to the destruction of industrial production facilities in Europe. When they caught up in the latter 50's, we went into a recession. Yes, some of the infrastructure projects from FDR helped with the post war boom as well as wartime production, but they did not end the depression. Keynesian economic theory simply does not work.

Our current economic problems are not all due to Bush. A combination of bad loans that were pushed by the Clinton administration at first, a greater worldwide demand for oil due to the industrialization of China and India, our own lack of refining capacity and Democratic refusal to allow for new refinery construction, and our own thirst for fuel thirsty large trucks have all contributed. Should African or South American countries ever start developing stable governments, a similar drain on oil resources would happen. Ditto for the former Soviet states and Eastern Europe. Also, Real Estate prices went through a bubble where supply exceeded demand and actual ability to pay. Investors were buying new construction only to sell it to other investors. Thus it's actual value as a place to live became secondary to it's value as a investment. Eventually, market forces caught back up as "the greater fool theory" collapsed like it did with the dot com boom. Housing valuation, in actual market terms, will always be tied to income levels as it is the ability to pay that ultimately determines what a house should sell for. When it goes out of control like it did, the market will correct like it does on any other consumer commodity.
Hear, hear!!

Now, tell me why you are supporting McCain again and not crying yourself to sleep at night like I am???!!!!
I AM crying myself to sleep every night!!! I did not vote for him in the primary, I went for Romney instead. However, I will vote for him in the general election unless there is a viable 3rd party candidate that comes along who can do more than just steal votes from the Republican candidate and give the election to the Democrat. I feel that he is the lesser evil--but still bad. I DO NOT WANT BARACK OBAMA TO BE PRESIDENT!!! He has the potential to be the next "Great Leader" as he is VERY good at public speaking and mesmerizing to millions. He takes on an almost "godlike" quality to his disciples and shuts down all debate concerning his actions. A man like that is DANGEROUS.

I really hate this election cycle. For the first time in my life, there is no good candidate to vote for, just 2 bad ones both of which are bad for this country. I just think McCain is less bad than Obama, and that he will likely nominate better Supreme Court Justices. This is very important as these people will define the Constitution potentially for decades to come. I want a chance to see the balance of the court swing to the right. Especially now, when so many Justices are close to retirement, and some Liberal Judges are waiting for a liberal President before they retire. This gives them no choice but to go now, and possibly swing the court.
85 Cutlass,

As I stated before, politics are a matter of perspective. I think your perception of democrats, Obama supporters and the social programs they support are more influenced by what you are told by other republicans, than actual experience or even conversations with democrats. We are not necessarily all the same, and most of us are deffinetly what Limbaugh discribes.

I am against the Iraq war, but I am not a pacifist (we should have Nuked Tora Bora), I am pro-gun, and pro death penalty. Deport all the illegals one at a time if you have to. And no one should be rewarded for not trying, but...

The fact that you can strive the way you do as a Pizza delivery driver is definetly something to be proud of, and I do commend you for it. However, I find it hard to believe that you accomplished all of this without any help. Possibly your help was from a family member, or a church or a community group in your area. But, what if your parents are poor, or you don't belong to a church, or your local community is too poor to help you. Moving sounds great, but if you don't have enough money to move without a support network, what do you do? Go to college? How, it expensive? Not to mention civic pride. I am 5th generation Clevelander, and I love Cleveland. I shouldn't have to move to survive.

I am a product of the inner city Cleveland (maybe you heard of us, poorest city in the country) and the public schools of the 80's. As stated in my last post the Regan/ Bush Sr. years were not good here. My family spent time on unemployment and sadly even welfare for a short time. The only time we had health insurance was with welfare, which admitadly was sad we were rewarded for doing worse. However, thanks to a local social program "Cleveland Works" my dad was able to be better trained and helped finding a job and we did better (still not great but better). I worked hard through school went to college on a scholarship and now make very good money in Construction Management.

I was the exception, Cleveland Works was too small of a program that did not last long enough and I got a scholarship. Many of my freinds were not so lucky. The programs helped us and more programs would have helped more people. I make more money than I ever imagined, I have insurance ($4K deductable) due to these programs, and that is why I am willing to pay more taxes to help the less fortunate. No one thinks these programs are forever and they are far from good enough to eliminate a strive to succeed, but they do provide a means. Give people insurance, help them when they need it, and give them an education, and let them follow my lead to help pay for the next guy! Who ever said the American Dream was supposed to be cheap. If you've got it, help the next guy. Their taxes will help pay for the next guy, and so on. When more people are making more money there will be more tax payers, then we can cut everyones taxes without putting the country in debt and while helping everyone we can. For now, don't cut my taxes - give me more for my money. Make it worth it.

Funny though I agree with you this election is the lesser of the evils, but from the other perspective. Obama was not my first choice, but he is the best guy left. McCain is fairly decent socialy and fiscally but he is nuts, he wants to go to war with Iran (I would rather spend the cash here). Hillary is a Republican is Democratic clothing (I don't care if she was married to Bill, she will devorce his *ss as soon as she gets what she wants). Besides, anyone who can afford insurance has it, and if you can't you probably get all of your taxes back so a credit won't help. Obama has a better health care plan, and actually does describe how he will pay for things (listen to him more). I really wanted Biden/ Edwards, but I will settle for Obama/ Biden (he could be our Cheney).

Sorry for the long post. You got my attention. I had to respond, but I think I am done. Oh yeah, just to piss you off... I voted for Kucinich for Congress (remember - Cleveland). Oh yeah, and about the biblical thing... Every version of the end of the world I have ever heard started in the middle east. Who was the guy who started an unpopular war of choice there, while being so popular for nothing but his chrisma? Remember to spell the name right in the hate mail.
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