Ive been workin on my lil 229 v6 in my malibu wagon jus to get it running right since it didnt when I got it. I changed all the gaskets resurfeced the heads full tune up and some paint and shine lol just so I can have a daily driver until I finish building the big block and t56 combo so the idle problem im having is it idles high once I start it even after it warms up and then once I put it in 1st gear the idle comes down to a regular idle but the second I step on the clutch or put it in neutral at a light it jumps right back up than back to normal once im in a gear and start moving I treid adjusting the idle I tried adjusting the electric choke it could possibly still be the choke since it was a first time I mest with the clutch the only other thing I can think is the throttle position sensor any thoughts
heres a pic for humor lol

heres a pic for humor lol