If you want a laugh check this out..

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The Cutlass on EBAY - Wheres the fan?? What a turd, this is $1500.00 Car at the most.

The $45K Monte Carlo was a repo and 91,000 miles..someone is really smoking crack there..
I think this guy is putting is monte in with the Grand Nationals. Yes, it IS super clean, very impressive. If that was a Grand National, yes, $45k IF that. I've seen Grand Nationals duing this time of recession clean and with more upgrades and more horespower sell for $25k. So this is a bit rediculous but perhaps he doesn't know any better. People make mistakes.
maybe if we all start pricing our cars like the ebay monte
then everyone will be convinced that these are some high dollar cars
and when we go to sell our cars being ridiculously over priced will be ok
because being dumb is ok as long as everyone else is doing it
Sounds like a plan!!! 45k starting bids all around!


  • jose's pics 108.jpg
    jose's pics 108.jpg
    806.8 KB · Views: 85
i say we all start our bids at what our OD says
mine says 64,438 so how about we just put a $ sign in front of that and ta da!
anyone wants to know the price of your car just send em a pic or your OD lol
its the perfect plan
lol, what if your odometer has gone around once?
well if its rolled over that means its been around the block a couple times which with g-bodys thats a good thing it means your car is worth more lol :rofl:
idk just makin up sh*t now but hell id say if every g-body owner just suddenly started selling there cars for like 15 to 25k it would really catch on
or people would think were damn retarded
There are many other one-off features.
This made me chuckle... could you first name me any of the original one-off features you pointed out? Or is the silver painted heater box considered a one-off feature? I'm pretty sure they made a couple of vehicles with A/C, power windows and power locks in 86. I'm not sure about the AM/FM though. My 84 Regal is filled with one-off features too then. I'll only take $10k for mine... /sigh

I like the ZZ4/ steel crank comment and 385 estimated hp? For that money, you better have a dyno test in hand for me and what else was done to the car /cough heads, pistons, etc. ZZ4 doesn't mean much to me, like saying I'm selling my million dollar mansion that's made with real wood studding.

Hey, mine has a ZZ4 block... better ask for $15k.

And is that a 7.5" rear end? :?

I'm sure this is a really nice car with tons put into it. But for that money you are really getting into GNX money. Or at least a historically relevant g body.

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