pontiacgp said:
maximus84 said:
Coveted said:
pontiacgp said:
Coveted said:
as to the guy who asked why I have nothing ncie to say about McCain, its because he was a failed candidate, he took an already failing campaign sundae and topped it with a cherry super tard named sarah palin.
it'd be better for you to remain silent than to open your mouth and prove your ignorance.....
Pot meet kettle.
Here comes that pot/kettle thing again! You need new material. :lol:
actually the pot thing proves my point... 8)
It was actually an edit on the "Your canadian so you dont have a clue about whats going on in america, you cannot comment on a goverment when the government you have is rubbish." response that I intially typed.
The pot meet kettle proves nothing except that you shouldnt throw stones when you live in a glass house, or in your case and Ice One.
Again at Maxitard, I'm glad you have email, congradulations. If you could read, which you obviously cannot. I'm not an obama supporter, I'm a Ron Paul supporter. This might be hard for you to grasp, but I never saw any form of intelligence come from people who support BUSH/McSame. Its obvious your a Redstate tinfoil hat, but if Obama was SOOOOO bad, and everything was Soooooo obvious, why did he win by a LANDSLIDE?
sh*t wasnt even close. I'm sorry if your hopes and dreams were dashed when they voted Yes on PROP 8.