Here’s a couple photos of the blower box. Yeah, it’s just a blower box but I made some changes I hope will help out the air flow. Basically, I used body seam sealer to seal the joints inside the blower box. In my little pea, this should equate to more air coming out the vents. We’ll see, in Arizona, it won’t be heat, it’ll be AC.
On the front of the blower box where the heater core and evaporator pipe exit the box, I used the rubber pipe wrap you can buy at Home Depot. It’s not the plastic stuff, it’s a dense rubber covering that people put around pipes in cold states, been there, done that.
Anyway, I bought a length for the largest pipe, either inch or inch and a half. Put the piece spread out face down on the work bench with weights on it and left it for the week. When I cut it up when I was working on the piece, it was just starting to curl when I was done. Once it’s in the case, it’s not going anywhere.