Have not used a
.Have not had any experience with the Astro shafts. Are they plug and play or do they need a little fussing?
I bought the jeep shaft many years ago and held on to it untill recently. I can say it does improve the feel of the steering.
Maybe I could take a look at the Astro shaft. I'm looking for something that has a more factory look while still being better than a rag joint shaft.
Ok so what's the consensus? What appears more factory but is a double u joint shaft? Price consideration also. Hooker or Astro?
I should still have a couple astro shafts kicking around the garage. They swap right in but if you want the steering wheel to stay straight just have to grind the top wedges and reclock it and weld it back on once u do. Or run as as is but wheel will be off center. You can kind of see the weld one I did in the pic.
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