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was a broadcast DJ untill I got married, then she decided I didnt make enough, so, after I got done putting her through school, I made the switch to computer support, and started doing over the phone support... then the work dried up so I started doing desktop support, and my territory kept getting bigger and bigger untill i was covering 5 states, and the work got so competitive that jobs stopped paying travel and expenses.

I wound up retiring in 2003, and using my 401k to buy real estate, then 2008 happened and I was lucky to make it out with my shirt. I might be able to recoup my losses before I die, but, at least she hasnt thron me out yet, and as long as I can keep up with the housework, she still keeps me around.
I dont know if you're in one of the states from my post... but my company is hiring. I put a post in off topic about it. FYI incase you dont look in there.
im an electrician working for a small company, if you ask me, small companies could be way better right now if your going to do some kind of construction trade, its a lot easier to keep 4 people busy than 40
I work for a local drive in movie theater!! 😀 Best freakin job in the world right now!! :mrgreen:
I've got a CDL with Hazmat and at least around here jobs are around if you want them and you have a clean record. I make as much as most college graduates.
Tuggy24g said:
I am ashamed to tell people, but for right now since there is no job opened at any auto store I work as a dishwasher at a country club 🙁 I hate every minute of it, but I been out looking for a job in a auto parts store with no luck at all.

have you tried at any of the dealerships in the parts department? might be worth a shot....

I started at advance almost 10 years ago, and have left twice, and since the customers always asked about me, and I seem to know what I'm doing, I'm still at the same store I started at... last time I left is because they sent me to another store and changed my position- a month and a half later they called me and asked me to come back and to the same position I had been at before they moved me.... it DID cost them an extra $3 an hour to get me back! :twisted:
Well, you could wh*re yourself out to a thousand fat chicks for $50... or a hundred really fat chicks for $500.
What? Fat chicks need love too.
I'm a splice technician with Verizon. It's a great job but it's not exactly secure they just laid off 200 people in the northeast in my job title last fall and I barley made the cut so if they decide to have another layoff, which there are rumors of, I'll be one of the first in line with 5 years down the drain. If I do get let go my union should help me find something else with my previous electrical experience. I'm 27 with no kids so I don't have anyone depending on me so I'll do fine, it will still suck balls though thinking I was all set with my career and all. I do know how hard it is right now I've got some close friends of mine that can't find jobs or had to take pay cuts just to get something. I really feel for the folks out here trying raise kids and make mortgage payments in this economy especially when the media and goverment keep telling us how everything has turned around we are doing so good like last weeks cover of Newsweek. Sorry if it looks like I'm making a political argument, I don't mean to, I just think it's rediculous to act like every thing's back to the way it was just because the stock market is back on track. Just seems like everyone I know is either worried about loosing their job, allready lost it or working below their skill level for substandard money. I know someone mentioned in a previous post about getting a CDL which is a very smart thing to do seeing everything consumed in this country is transported through the trucking industry and will be for a long time to come. Going through the school is pricey running into the thousands of dollars for a reputable school ,although uncle sam will help pay through student loans and such. Alot of information can be found at your local unemployment office. Good luck to all dealing with these trying times it's a good thing we have a cool hobby to help us cope with the crazy sh*t going on lately.
I may not love my job, but it pays the bills. I am a pizza delivery driver for a major national chain, and it pays minimum wage plus about $1 a delivery and all the tips I can get. I have worked in this business for 14 years and while I am trying to finish school and get out of it, it is a steady job with flexible hours ( and pay) that works out well if you have a very fuel efficient car to use and can fix it yourself. Count on making anywhere from $10-20 an hour, with the average being in the middle to bottom of that. Keep track of your miles driven and mileage paid as you can deduct $0.70 per mile from your taxes, less the mileage paid. I would wait tables if I could, but I have a bad knee and a bad back, and can't stand for long periods of time. Just don't ever expect to get a raise unless people start tipping better, and learn to live below your maximum pay as it does vary wildly with promotions and the time of year. I have it set up so I can pay all of my bills on about 25 hours a week and then save money during the good times, or use it to buy things to make my life better in cash. Also, do not expect to get 40 hours a week right away as you may have to hustle to make it happen for the first year or three.
Im 24 and a Assistant Superintendent for one of the top ten largest commercial construction companys in the nation. I have been working for this company for 4 years and have been in construction since i was a toddler, thanks to my dad who is a project executive for the same company. I have lived in Florida,Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi working for these guys and they treat me well. My family and i are from Michigan but my dad was offered a job in 2004 to come down and work for them and i came down two years later to try my luck and it was the best move i have ever made. Most of our work right now and in the future is Government Prisons, Barracks, Court house's. Wouldnt want to do anything else in the world.
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