Jul 15, 2019
Don't worry about what you can't have or refuse to pay whatever price. Plus, you're sour-graping that 87. Something you shouldn't really do because it sounds like you're whining about it with the added bonus that you're not getting the car anyway. It's ok, I do it too; hell, we all do to a certain degree when we feel something is priced a bit too high than market values. Search for what's in your budget. Add to your budget in the meantime so you can afford to pay the premium for a nice car
Bitching about over-priced cars is'nt allowed, Quit whining! 😆
Don't worry about what you can't have or refuse to pay whatever price. Plus, you're sour-graping that 87. Something you shouldn't really do because it sounds like you're whining about it with the added bonus that you're not getting the car anyway. It's ok, I do it too; hell, we all do to a certain degree when we feel something is priced a bit too high than market values. Search for what's in your budget. Add to your budget in the meantime so you can afford to pay the premium for a nice car
Bitching about over-priced cars is'nt allowed, Quit whining! 😆