Mind warping music videos

This is a strange one. Hot Buttered Popcorn was the theme song of Imus in the Morning radio show on WNBC. I'm talking early 70's. Then the dancers look like they were second stringers for Hill's Angels. The song itself is considered the very first synthesizer instrumental,
Yikes! Definitely an early Dick Clark special!
So, very small to almost non-existant b**bs, lots of pelvic thrusts, and a lot of classic figure eight hip motion. Add the stage and it all looks like an episode of "Suzy goes to school to learn How to be a stripper".

As for the music, Very, very Trippy. I can remember the AM version of this song and seem to recall that it even had lyrics. Wouldn't swear to that as a lot of my memories of the 70's are fuzzy at best; too much booze and fun.

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