Mind warping music videos

I heard this again today. This was the absolute last song played when Z-rock went off the air. No rock stations left in Shitty City? WFUV at Fordham U is the last station worth listening too. Even Newsradio 88 CBS-AM is gone. Sheesh.
I heard this again today. This was the absolute last song played when Z-rock went off the air. No rock stations left in Shitty City? WFUV at Fordham U is the last station worth listening too. Even Newsradio 88 CBS-AM is gone. Sheesh.
Getting that bad all over. Boston stations are having been going down since WBCN got changed. More ads than music anyway.
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Getting that bad all over. Boston stations are having been going down since WBCN got changed. More ads than music anyway.
I blame Pittsburgh station decline on iHeart Radio. They took the 'Burgh out of their locally owned stations & based them on a national market. WDVE, 105.9 The X (WXDX) & 3WS (WWSW) used to be my go to stations but with out the local soul they suck. 3WS was the best station to hear all the great '50's to early '70's rock, pop, Motown & doo wop. WDVE was the rock station. The X with the alternative, grunge & newer rock. Then resently Johnstown Rocky 99.1 (WRKW) was just neutered from being new & hard rock & is now classic rock Now I pay for Sirius XM for the wife & my rides.
I blame Pittsburgh station decline on iHeart Radio. They took the 'Burgh out of their locally owned stations & based them on a national market. WDVE, 105.9 The X (WXDX) & 3WS (WWSW) used to be my go to stations but with out the local soul they suck. 3WS was the best station to hear all the great '50's to early '70's rock, pop, Motown & doo wop. WDVE was the rock station. The X with the alternative, grunge & newer rock. Then resently Johnstown Rocky 99.1 (WRKW) was just neutered from being new & hard rock & is now classic rock Now I pay for Sirius XM for the wife & my rides.
98% of my music is from Spotify. The rest is what I had bought and downloaded to my computer then to my phone. No ads.
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I agree with you both- it's getting bad all over and iHeart radio is a leading reason. They use nearly the same playlist for our Rock, Oldies, and Classic Rock stations, and another for the 3 Alternative/ Hip Hop they just change the frequency of different artists. My complaint is that it's been the same damn music for 20 years with the exception of 1 new song every couple weeks, and that song gets played 100 times on every station.

Everything in Ks is filtered, regulated, and mediated by Bible thumpers so your ONLY hope of hearing anything other than highly processed marketing drivel is Spotify, Jango, YouTube, etc.. Fly 92.7 used to be on the edge of everything but they went under about 18 years ago. I'm not sure but I think the "FLY" license plate that came on my car is from them.

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