Another issue is that a forum is not unlimited in its ability to help. We don't know the history of thd car, we don't know what the current owner, or POs have done to it. Lars, a well known Qjet expert on the Corvette forums explained this about forums. Basically, nothing beats a knowledgeable person, being physically there to inspect the car. Over the web, we can give expert guesstimates. Especially if the poster asking the question is a beginner with G bodies, he or she can easily miss things a more knowledgeable person would detect and therefore fail to post it.
An example Lars gave was that with Qjets, a noob may never know the Qjet on his car may be an incorrect type, or has incorrect parts installed, and could be beyond what a normal rebuild can fix, ie may have the wrong airhorn installed, requiring a proper airhorn swap. Something a forum will have a difficult time detecting. Heck, even before buying a G body, a buyer should do some research on the basics of the G body model he or she is interested in just to be able to detect a stocker from a well and legality modified car from a illegality modified car from a hacked up basket case, the four main forms of G bodies anymore.