Some people have more money than brains. Unfortunately, I have neither. From a strict financial standpoint, a G-body is a money pit. Do it for the love of your G-body or you'll be crying about it one day.
Expensive is a relative term. Anything I want to do that I don't have enough money for is "expensive". If you had a famed race car shop build you a car from the ground up, I'm sure you'd be spending more money than a house just to get a roller. That's one place I have to draw the line. A car cannot cost more than my house.
From a financial standpoint, most vehicles area money pit. Only a small small fraction of built vehicles that get sold don’t have a loser somewhere. For every copo zr1 Hemi gt500kr, there are a thousand if not more builds that cost more than they’re worth. When “investors” don’t grasp that, we end up with a bubble.
I’ll have well north of $50k in mine when it’s done - which amortized over the 20 years it’s taking me doesn’t seem as bad - but it’s a car that means a lot to me and a dream build I don’t plan to sell. To each their own!