Well I experienced a minor setback.
After the first start up and video, the car was getting harder and harder to keep running. Here between the set up on the dyno and the first day of the install, the MSD Streetfighter distributor took a dump. It was sending out eradic spark pulses and took it out of electrical timing. Mechanically it was timed dead on, but spark wasn't reaching the cylinders when it was suppose to. Went and robbed the distributer that was still onthe original 305 from 1978, slipped it in, timed it and runs perfect now. It makes my video sound sick compared to now. I have a new Malory distributer on order and should be good to go 100% soon.
Engine builder is getting me the printed off dyno sheet asap, and I will post it once it arrives. I will also do another open header at idle video to post, so you can get the real feel of it.